Monday, February 24, 2020

The Rule of Law is not a Legal Rule, but a Political and Moral Research Paper

The Rule of Law is not a Legal Rule, but a Political and Moral Principle - Research Paper Example Law so conceived is a set of practical dealings for cooperative social life, using signals and authorizes to guide and conduct channels. British constitution most distinguishing features - federalism, a constitutionally well-established court, a states' upper house, the legislative sanction of treaties, and various other 'checks and balances' were significant innovations, and have over and over again been copied. It was simply in the nineteenth century that Europe began engendering institutional innovations of its own: conscientious parliamentary government, the welfare state, and accountability mechanisms such as the organizational tribunal and the ombudsman. If the rule of law is the rule of the good law then to explicate, its nature is to set out a complete social philosophy. But if so the term lacks several useful functions. We have no need to be rehabilitated to the rule of law just so as to discover that to believe in it is to believe that good must triumph. The rule of law is a political pastoral which a legal system might lack or might possess to a greater or lesser degree. That much is universal ground. It is also to be persisting that the rule of law is just one of the merits which a legal system may hold and by which it is to be judged. ... Rights, on extensive poverty, on racial isolation, sexual differences, and religious discrimination may, in principle, conform to the rations of the rule of law better than any of the legal systems of the more progressive Western democracies. This does not mean that it will be better than those Western democracies. It will be an infinitely worse legal system, but it will outshine in one respect: in its consistency to the rule of law (Dworkin 1986). 'The rule of law' means exactly what it says: the rule of the law. Taken in its broadest sense this means that people must obey the law and be ruled by it. But in political and legal theory of moral principle that has come to be read in a narrower sense, that the government will be ruled by the law and subject to it. The idyllic of the rule of law in this sense is frequently expressed by the phrase 'government by law and not by men'. No sooner does one use these formulas than their insignificance becomes evident. Surely the government should be both by law and by men. It is said that the rule of law means that all government action should have a foundation in law, should be authorized by law.  

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Relevance of Employee Engagement Indices as A Performance Research Paper

The Relevance of Employee Engagement Indices as A Performance - Research Paper Example Three articles have been chosen based on the following criterion: the relevance of these articles to the subject under examination. These articles are analyzed below focusing on their value for achieving the objectives of the proposed study. The first article is that of Siddhanta and Roy (2010). The specific article focuses on the relationship between employee engagement and productivity. The examination and the evaluation of this relationship is one of the study’s objectives. The article has been considered as important for the proposed study because of the following reasons: a) it helps to explore one of the study’s objectives, meaning especially the involvement of employee engagement in enhancing productivity in institutions; b) it presents a thorough analysis of the role of engagement within modern organizations. Also, engagement, as a concept, is explained in the context of its relationship with different aspects of the organization, such as ‘productivity, pr ofitability and customer satisfaction’ (Siddhanta and Roy, 2010, p. 172). The article of Siddhanta and Roy (2010) is based on literature review, meaning that no empirical research has been conducted for exploring the issues discussed in the article. The authors have used ‘integrative literature reviews’ (Siddhanta and Roy, 2010, p. 172) aiming to address all issues related to the subject under examination. At the same time, the findings of the literature review are presented using ‘a descriptive study manner’ (Siddhanta and Roy, 2010, p. 172). This technique helps to secure the credibility of assumptions produced through the findings of the literature. Furthermore, the findings of empirical research conducted by large firms such as Gallup and Hay Group (Siddhanta and Roy, 2010, p. 172) are presented and discussed in combination with the findings of the literature review. The specific practice further increases the credibility and the validity of the authors’ assumptions on the issue under examination. Under these terms, the study of Siddhanta and Roy (2010) is valuable for understanding the current position of engagement as a factor influencing organizational performance. The article of Bhatla (2011) focuses on the effect of employee engagement on employee performance. In this way, the impact of employee engagement on organizational productivity is verified especially since employee performance directly influences the performance of the organization, either in the short or the long term. The specific study is also related with one of the objectives of the proposed study. More specifically, as already explained, the proposed study aims to show the potential influence of employee engagement in increasing productivity in institutions. The study of Bhatla (2011) shows how employee engagement can affect employee performance; as a result, the role of employee engagement in organizational productivity is also made clear. One of the most important advantages of the article of Bhatla, compared to other studies related to the specific issue, is the following one: Bhatla has emphasized not only the theoretical but also on the practical aspects of employee engagement. More specifically, in the study of Bhatla, all aspects of employee engagement are explored using the literature published in this field. Moreover, a series